Emotions run high. Double standard seems to be the rule of the day. Common sense and rational thinking do not prevail. Speed and hastiness in decision making are aggravated by imprudent advice and vested interest. Let's take a brief look.

On the occasion of tabling the "Rang Undang-undang Akta Perlembagaan (Pindaan) 1993 " on 18 Jan 1993, Dr Mahathir Mohamad said,

"Sementara halangan ke atas teguran ini dikatakan akan memelihara kemuliaan Raja, tetapi apabila Raja tidak ditegur, maka ia tidak akan sedar akan kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya. Dengan itu, mungkin lebih banyak kesalahan akan dilakukan dan kesalahan ini mungkin akan menjadi lebih serius. Ini bukan sahaja akan mencemarkan kemuliaan Raja, bahkan juga boleh menimbulkan kebencian rakyat terhadap Raja. Tidaklah benar jika dikatakan larangan terhadap mengkritik Raja akan memelihara kemuliaan Raja. Sebenarnya kemuliaan Raja akan tercemar kerana larangan ini."

"Kekebalan Raja atau Sovereign Immunity adalah suatu prinsip feudal -- satu konsep kononnya `The King can do no wrong`. Mengikut Dr. Hogg dalam bukunya `Liability of the Crown` konsep ini berasas kepada alasan bahawa seorang Raja tidak boleh didakwa dalam mahkamahnya sendiri. Alasan ini sudah lama dipersoal dan ditolak oleh pakar-pakar undang- undang di Eropah seperti Adams yang merasakan tidak ada keraguan bahawa feudal lords diletak di bawah mahkamah mereka sendiri -- `No doubt at all of the subjection of feudal lords to their own courts`".

UMNO members did not raise an eyebrow, let alone lodge a police report against the then Prime Minister Of Malaysia.

During the MB crisis in Terengganu soon after the Malaysian 12 General Election, HERE, no one even mentioned the Dato' seri title from Idris Jusoh be revoked OR he had committed treason (derhaka).

Datuk Seri Ali Rustam had this to say about the Palace decision in appointing Ahmad Said:
One UiTM Professor of law, supposedly an expert on Constitutional Law commented on the crisis,

Now let us see what UMNO Vice President Muhyiddin Yassin has to say:

In the case of Perlis,

Whilst in Perak, so much has been said and done from every quarter that the image of Islam and the Perak Sultanate have been affected. The Islamic injunction that enjoins the doing of justice even to your foe or your hated ones is swept under the carpet.

So it is clear to anyone with a few mg of grey matter but without prejudice and blind hatred for races other than one's own that two sets of rules and playing ground exist in Malaysian politics the existence of which make national solidarity an almost impossible national agenda.


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