Laporan polis terhadap Ketua Polis Selangor - Malaysiakini
MP Kapar : Police Report Against Selangor Police Chief KeADILan leader and MP for Kapar S Manikavasagam has lodged a police report against Selangor police chief Khalid Abu Bakar for alleging that two deputy ministers and the family of dead police detainee, Kugan Ananthan, had barged into the Serdang Hospital mortuary. “The police allegation that the victim’s family had trespassed into the mortuary was not true because the recording showed that the staff at the mortuary had allowed all family members of the victim to come into the room,” Manikavasagam said. According to Manikavasagam, popularly known as Mike, he and lawyer N Surendran had lodged the report at the Brickfields District Police Headquarters. “We not only lodged a police report, we also handed over a CD recording to the police to prove that the allegation that the two deputy ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department, Senator T Murugiah and SK Devamany, and the victim’s family had barged into the hospital mortuary was totally incorrect,” he added. Mike said the compact disc recording clearly showed that the two deputy ministers were not at the scene when the family entered the mortuary. The duo arrived at the scene only several hours later. Mike called for action to be taken against Khalid for making a false statement. The 22-year old Kugan had died while under a two-week remand to help police investigations in to a spate of luxury car thefts. Khalid had said he died because of ‘water in his lungs’. Dissatisfied with the explanation, Kugan’s family had gone to the mortuary, where they took photos and video footage of his budy, which showed extensive bruises. Brickfields OCPD, ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Talib confirmed receiving the report. Khalid, however, declined to comment. By SK English TeamAHLI Parlimen Kapar S.Manikavasagam (tengah) dikerumuni wartawan selepas membuat laporan terhadap Ketua Polis Selangor Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Brickfields, hari ini. Laporan itu dibuat ekoran dakwaan Khalid bahawa dua Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan keluarga suspek mendiang A. Kugan telah menceroboh bilik mayat Hospital Serdang Selasa lalu. - fotoBERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR:Ahli Parlimen Kapar, S. Manikavasagam hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap Ketua Polis Selangor Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar yang mendakwa dua Timbalan Menteri serta keluarga suspek kes curi kereta mewah, A. Kugan telah menceroboh bilik mayat Hospital Serdang pada 20 Januari lepas.
Manikavasagam dan peguam, N. Surendran membuat laporan tersebut di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Brickfields pada pukul 2.10 petang ini.
"Kami bukan sahaja membuat laporan polis, tetapi kami juga menyerahkan sekeping rakaman cakera padat video (VCD) kepada polis bagi membuktikan dakwaan pencerobohan bilik mayat oleh keluarga dan dua Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Senator T. Murugiah dan Datuk S.K. Devamany di hospital berkenaan adalah tidak benar sama sekali," katanya.
Manikavasam berkata, rakaman VCD itu jelas menunjukkan keduadua timbalan menteri tersebut tidak berada di tempat kejadian sewaktu orang ramai memasuki bilik mayat itu, sebaliknya hanya hadir beberapa jam kemudian.
"Dakwaan polis terhadap keluarga mangsa menceroboh bilik mayat juga tidak benar kerana rakaman itu menunjukkan penjaga bilik mayat itu sendiri yang membenarkan kesemua anggota keluarga Kugan memasukinya," katanya.
Manikavasagam berkata, oleh itu tindakan perlu diambil ke atas Ketua Polis Selangor kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan palsu.
Kugan, 23, yang ditahan kerana disyaki terlibat dalam kes curi kereta mewah di Sungai Chua, Kajang ditemui mati ketika ditahan dalam lokap di Balai Polis USJ Subang Jaya.
Ketua Polis Daerah Brickfields, ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Talib ketika dihubungi Bernama mengesahkan menerima laporan tersebut pukul 2.20 petang.
Khalid yang dihubungi Bernama enggan mengulas laporan polis yang dibuat terhadapnya.KeADILan’s Mike lodges police report against S’gor police chief
In the latest move by civil groups and community leaders to make the police accountable for what they say and the action they took in the Kugan custodial death case, the Kapar MP has followed through with a police report against the Selangor police chief …
Khalid must be accountable for what he said
Hospital attendent waves family in
Video disputes Selangor police chief's claim that family members had trespassed into the morgue
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