Anak Tahanan ISA Meninggal dalam Kerinduan !


Dear YB Syed Hamid Albar
Home Minister

Re: Aina Mardiah Shahrial, 17

You may not know Aina, she is the eldest daughter of Shahrial Sirin, an ISA detainee. On the afternoon of July 2, about 3 pm, she was admitted into Kajang Hospital. The girl was fighting for her life. The family immediately informed authorities at Kamunting, where her father had been detained for the last 7 years.

Somehow, Shahrial was only told of her daughter's illness at 10.30 am the next day, July 3. Aina's mother made a personal appeal to the authorities at Kamunting to let her daughter be with the dad for the last time. The doctors said Aina had only a few hours of life left, God-willing.

The authorities at Kamunting said they could not release Shahrial. They had to get your signature on the release papers. Yes, YB, your precious signature.

Aina's father was finally released at 5pm. It was the longest four-hour journey to Kuala Lumpur.

Shahrial got to her daughter's side at 9.45 pm. He was too late. Aina had passed away at 6.20pm without seeing her father.

Thank you, YB, and may Allah bless you and your family.

Norlaila Othman, a wife of an ISA detainee herself (read here), told me that the Abolish ISA Movement will be writing to Syed Hamid so that the Minister knows about the father and daughter. And that besides love, sometimes all we need is a bit of common sense.

Source by Rocky Bru

edyes wrote:

InnaliLahiwainalLillahirojiun. Al-Fatihah

Sedih tak terkata. Lakhnat Syed Hamid Alba, lakhnat kerajaan BN, lakhnat UMNO pembela bangsat ! Lakhnat Undang2 ISA !!

Mengapa mengambil masa begitu lama sehingga 4 jam dari Kamunting ke Kuala Lumpur ??? Kenapa langsung tak keluar dalam berita??? Bangsat !!

Aku ada anak, aku tak dapat bayangkan bagaimana sedihnya perasaan si ayah. Apabila sampai di rumah, hanya tinggal jenazah yang membujur ! Anak itu menderita kerinduan, meninggal pun dalam kerinduan!

Ya Jabbâr, Ya Qahhâr

Aku Akan Lawan Kerajaan Barisan Nasional Selagi Nyawa Dikandung Badan !!
Lawan Tetap Lawan!!!!

Takbir !!!

Kerajaan Penjajah !

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